AED 2021 Summit Moved
In response to the ever-evolving COVID-19 pandemic, AED’s 2021 Summit event will now take place from May 24-26, in-person at The Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas—along with a virtual option.
This decision was made after careful consultation with AED’s Chairman, Ron Barlet and Senior AED staff.
Established in 1919, Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) is an international trade association based in Schaumburg, IL, representing over 700 construction equipment distributors, manufacturers and industry service firms nationwide.
The association has been working with MGM to develop a plan that features detailed protocols to incorporate health and safety into every aspect of Summit, such as virtual site inspections, creative catering options and venue arrangements that meet all physical distancing requirements. A few of the in-person safety precautions that are being implemented include social distancing, required face masks, frequent sanitizing stations and contactless registration.
“Although the dates may have changed, the 2021 Summit’s scheduled events remain the same. Attendees will be able to participate in professional education sessions, browse vendors on the Conference Dealer Expo (CONDEX) floor, participate in hospitality suite meetings, and hear from world-class speakers,” stated AED’s CEO Brian McGuire.
AED’s 2021 Summit event will now take place from May 24-26, in-person at The Mirage Hotel in Las Vegas—along with a virtual option.
“When you attend Summit, regardless if it is in-person or virtually, you will still get all the same great programming. AED will continue to work closely with The Mirage in Las Vegas to negate any unnecessary health risk.”