AED Foundation Scholarship Application
The AED Foundation (AEDF) has received the first application for its scholarship from West Ada High School District in Meridian, Idaho.
Students awarded these scholarships, which have been generously granted by The Caterpillar Foundation, will receive $2,000 towards their tuition at an AEDF accredited college program. Applicants must graduate from an AEDF recognized high school program to apply for the scholarship.
As students embark on their journey into an AEDF accredited college program, they commit to receiving a quality, industry-recognized education. They will also become an AEDF Certified Technician upon graduation. By choosing this route, students will be top-quality applicants to an equipment dealership when they enter the workforce.

Established in 1919, Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) is an international trade association based in Schaumburg, IL, representing over 700 construction equipment distributors, manufacturers and industry service firms nationwide.
The AED Foundation’s Executive Vice President and COO, Jason Blake, states, “The Foundation is anticipating the widespread participation of recognized high school students to award these scholarships. Thanks to The Caterpillar Foundation’s grant, this is a great opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge and passion for the industry, and receive a scholarship as they enter an accredited college program.”
Students that enter AEDF’s accredited programs are already saving thousands of dollars on tuition costs compared to the 4-year college route, but they have the opportunity to save even more with assistance from The AED Foundation’s scholarship. In combination with the Foundation’s dual credit agreements with many accredited college programs, students can apply courses they have taken in their recognized high school program to their college degree. This effectively saves students both time and money as they earn an excellent education that will benefit them throughout their careers in the industry.

Established in 1991 and directed by AED members, The AED Foundation (AEDF) addresses professional education and workforce development in the industry. This includes AEDF Accreditation of diesel equipment technology college programs and AEDF Recognition of secondary diesel programs.
The Foundation is looking forward to awarding these scholarships to motivated students entering an accredited college program to become an AEDF certified technician.