AEDF Targets 500 Certified Managers
Since the AED Foundation (AEDF) launched its Vision 2024 campaign, it has put forth efforts to encourage members to utilize the self-study courses that the foundation has on hand. These efforts are made to educate industry professionals and meet the Vision 2024 goal of 500 certified managers.
Through AEDF’s Certified Manager Programs (CMP), individuals have the option to choose from parts management, service management, rental management, sales management and branch management. These programs benefit employees and dealers by refining their management and leadership skills and preparing them for their future.
Amidst the current health crisis, events and classroom time across North America have been rescheduled or forced to adapt to remote settings. AEDF’s Certified Manager Program can be completed entirely online, making it easy to complete the program from home during these uncertain times. CMPs provide a learning experience that is similar to the Foundation’s in-person seminars. To help our members navigate and plan for their future during the pandemic, AEDF offered discounts on self-study courses during April and May.

Established in 1919, Associated Equipment Distributors (AED) is an international trade association based in Schaumburg, IL, representing over 700 construction equipment distributors, manufacturers and industry service firms nationwide.
While self-study courses are found online, AEDF offers other options for completing its CMPs. The Foundation has adapted its online program to a live format, allowing multiple employees from an organization to participate and become certified managers. This is an excellent option for the future when in-person events are feasible. Dealers can choose from any of the certified manager programs the Foundation offers to train their employees. With flexible options, employees can complete the program in a way that works best for them.
The AED Foundation’s Vice President and COO, Jason Blake, states “The Foundation’s goal is to offer managers and employees the knowledge that will help them succeed through their careers. With the Vision 2024 goal of certifying 500 managers, industry members can progress with enhanced skills to help the industry keep pushing forward.”

Established in 1991 and directed by AED members, The AED Foundation (AEDF) addresses professional education and workforce development in the industry. This includes AEDF Accreditation of diesel equipment technology college programs and AEDF Recognition of secondary diesel programs.
In addition to online learning resources, The Foundation has created social media pages to help showcase these services. AEDF has developed a brand awareness campaign, where it highlights a different service the Foundation offers each month. AEDF’s topic of focus for the month of September has been self-study courses, focusing on providing followers with key information about the courses and CMPs.