Bechtel Congratulates Employees for Stewardship at U.S. Government Projects in 2015
Marking the start of its global stewardship month, Bechtel has applauded accomplishments by employees at the company’s affiliated government and nuclear projects that donated nearly $7 million in 2015 and who volunteered countless hours to support their local communities in promoting education.
“The clear dedication to stewardship by our colleagues is inspiring,” said Craig Albert, president of Bechtel’s nuclear, security and environmental business unit. “Their commitment to lend a helping hand reflects the company’s value to actively engage and support local communities at all of our project sites.”
Examples at Bechtel-affiliated projects include:
- The Waste Treatment and Immobilization Plant and its employees donated funds and volunteer hours to local charities and organizations in southeastern Washington, including Toys for Tots, United Way, March of Dimes, and various educational institutions.
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory’s annual employee giving campaign raised funds for charitable organizations in California and elsewhere through employee donations and a match from Lawrence Livermore National Security LLC, which manages the lab. Additionally, the American Red Cross named the lab the biggest blood donor west of the Mississippi River with lab employees donating 25,000 units of blood.
- Consolidated Nuclear Security LLC and its employees at the Pantex Plant in Texas and the Y-12 National Security Complex in Tennessee were active in charitable contributions to United Way, community events, and sponsorships. Employees also took part in several Volunteer Day projects including painting, landscaping, trail cleanup and maintenance at local parks, and working with a group of Girl Scouts to build a “tiny home” for a mother in need.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory’s annual employee giving campaign is a key contributor to charities in New Mexico and elsewhere, through donations from lab employees and a match from the lab’s management organization, Los Alamos National Security LLC. LANS also provided significant additional funding for 225 local nonprofit organizations by donating funds based on the number of volunteer hours logged by Laboratory employees and retirees. In 2015, the Los Alamos Employee’s Scholarship Fund awarded 78 New Mexico students scholarships.
- Employees at the Pueblo Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant project in Colorado, led by Bechtel National Inc., and the Blue Grass Chemical Agent-Destruction Pilot Plant project in Kentucky, managed by Bechtel Parsons Blue Grass, donated significant funding to United Way and other charitable organizations, volunteered more than 7,700 hours to school, community, and charitable programs, and donated thousands of pounds of food to local food banks in 2015.
- Employees at Bechtel’s offices in Oak Ridge, Tennessee; Reston, Virginia; and San Francisco donated money, supplies, and holiday presents to local schools and a shelter for abused women.
Bechtel works side by side with customers, communities, contractors, government entities, and local organizations to establish common goals for the projects and the community. More information is available in the company’s sustainability report.

Marking the start of its global stewardship month, Bechtel has applauded accomplishments by employees.
The company’s signature stewardship program partners include FIRST Robotics, Junior Achievement, DiscoverE and Engineers Without Borders.