Capco Crane Now Found on Instagram
Capco Crane and Hoist Inc. is pleased to announce their new Instagram business account. The usage of this popular and ever-growing social media platform will allow them to connect with the core desktop & mobile-ready end users in the crane and hoist market.
David Caputo, Capco’s VP of Marketing and Sales, noted that “the new Insta account will showcase innovative material handling projects and Capco Crane engineered solutions to some very compelling lifting and handling problems. We have completed a large variety of crane and hoist projects throughout the years, and this will now be show-cased on a daily or weekly basis.”
Expect many more of these great pictures of some amazing (and intricate) Capco projects as they continue to build and install cranes and solve material handling problems for every type of industry throughout the USA and beyond! Just search for: capcocraneandhoist or click here.
David enthusiastically goes on to say “Keep your eyes peeled, or you just may miss something that will help your plant or your staff solve a lifting or moving requirement!”

Search for capcocraneandhoist on Instagram.
For more information about Capco’s facilities and services contact David Caputo (Sales Manager) at 58 Forest Ridge Drive, Rowley, MA 01969, toll free at 800-422-7261, fax at 978-948-2294 or visit the contact page.