CICB Adds Mobile Crane Lift Director Program
Crane Inspection & Certification Bureau (CICB) has announced the addition of a new Mobile Crane Lift Director program to prepare candidates for its National Commission for the Certification of Crane Operators (NCCCO) exams.
“Lift directors have a crucial role in safe lifting operations,” said Craig Epperson, president and CEO of CICB. “The new program will assure that lift directors have a thorough understanding of the technical aspects and personnel roles involved in all lifting operations.”
The six-month development of CICB’s lift director program was led by a technical team of industry veterans, subject matter experts, and NCCCO certified lift directors. The program encompasses the new OSHA Crane Rule, Subpart CC, as well as the ANSI/ASME standards that govern crane operations.
Many have overlooked the specific OSHA requirement for lift directors, which became effective in November of 2010, 29 CFR Subpart CC, 1926.1432(b). The requirement states, “The multiple-crane/derrick lift must be directed by a person who meets the criteria for both a competent person and a qualified person, or by a competent person who is assisted by one or more qualified persons (lift director). The lift director must review the plan in a meeting with all workers who will be involved with the operation.”
ASME B30.5 defines a lift director as a person who “directly oversees the work being performed by a crane and the associated rigging crew”. This can range from ensuring ground conditions are adequate, managing communications among the lift team members, to coordinating complex multi-crane lifts. Lift directors are also responsible for stopping crane operations if alerted to unsafe conditions. In addition to the B30.5 directive, a new standard has also been develop, ASME P30.1-2014 Planning for Load Handling Activities (lift planning).
“The NCCCO Lift Director Certification is designed to be a powerful third-party assessment tool for an employer in determining that the person designated to direct lifting operations has been evaluated as to their knowledge and ability to perform the tasks competently,” said Joel Oliva, NCCCO director of operations and program development.

Headquartered in Orlando, FL since 1969 with a second training facility in Houston, TX, Crane Inspection & Certification Bureau (CICB) provides customized training for every type of lifting equipment and inspection services worldwide.
With many companies now requiring a NCCCO certified lift directors onsite during lifting operations, CICB’s latest offering of the NCCCO Lift Director Preparatory Program further demonstrates its willingness, and ability to be a driving force for change in the industry.
“It is a welcome addition to our NCCCO Crane Operator, Rigger and Signal Person Preparatory Programs,” said Larry Kime, CICB senior program director. “Owners and employers understand the benefits of well trained and certified Lift Directors and recognize the value within a comprehensive risk management process.”