CICMHE Releases Blockchain and Supply Chain Management White Paper
MHI has partnered with the College-Industry Council on Material Handling Education (CICMHE) to re-release a white paper titled “Blockchain and Supply Chain Management.”
This paper explores the idea that while the potential impact of blockchain on supply chain management could be enormous, many of the potential blockchain-enabled supply chain impacts will require significant research advances. The authors identify four categories of issues that researchers must address in order for many of the interesting proposed blockchain-enabled supply chain use cases to be feasible.
“MHI’s partnership with CICMHE is a wonderful educational resource for material handling, supply chain, and logistics professionals. Companies gain access to cutting-edge research that can aid in decision-making for their company alongside insight in the curriculum that is being taught to their incoming workers,” says John Paxton, COO of MHI. “We’re very excited to see what we can accomplish together in the future.”

CICMHE’s organizational structure
To view the white paper, click here.
For more information on this project or questions about MHI‘s commitment to supply chain education contact John Paxton at 704-676-1190.