CSS Releases Updated Application Guidelines
The Conveyors and Sortation Systems (CSS) industry group of MHI has completed updates to their Application Guidelines for Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors document.
The VRC subcommittee of CSS is responsible for the revision and maintenance of the application guidelines and works within the CSS community to develop information specific to vertical reciprocating conveyors.
The document, for use in conjunction with ASME B20.1, is intended to illustrate to VRC equipment suppliers, installers, end users, inspectors, or others a clear and definitive argument as to the validity of applying only ASME B20.1 to Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors. This application guideline is intended to specifically apply to Vertical Reciprocating Conveyors (VRC) which are designed to raise and lower materials from one elevation to another. Equipment covered by this Application Guideline falls under ASME/ANSI B20.1-Safety Standard for Conveyors and Related Equipment.

17 MHI Industry Groups represent the leading providers in several key equipment and system solution categories.
This document can be downloaded for free at can be purchased at http://www.mhi.org/free/4572. For more information about the CSS group, visit mhi.org/css or contact Ashley Skidmore at [email protected].