Dates Set for ProMat 2019
ProMat 2019, hosted by MHI, will be held April 8-11 at Chicago’s McCormick Place. ProMat is the largest international material handling, logistics and supply chain show and conference held in North or South America.
ProMat brings together solution providers who demonstrate their equipment, systems and services to 45,000 manufacturing and supply chain professionals from around the globe, seeking productivity solutions for their operations. Over 950 exhibitors will showcase their solutions on ProMat’s two show floors totaling over 400,000 square feet of manufacturing and supply chain solutions.
ProMat exhibits will represent all segments of the material handling and logistics industry, from traditional, manual equipment to computerized, automated systems.
To make it easier for attendees to find the solutions they need, the ProMat show floor will be divided into solution-specific sections: Equipment and components for manufacturing/assembly logistics solutions, fulfillment and delivery solutions, and information technology (IT) solutions, autonomous vehicle solutions and sustainability facility solutions.
ProMat 2019 will also feature a comprehensive educational conference including keynotes and show floor educational seminars led by industry experts and leading authorities.

ProMat 2019 will be held April 8-11 at Chicago’s McCormick Place.
ProMat 2019 will again include its highly regarded and prestigious International Buyer Program. The Program provides matchmaking for interested buyers and sellers through an International Business Center located in the show hall.
The ProMat 2019 Exhibit Space Draw will be held December 7, 2017 in Chicago at McCormick Place. This will be the first opportunity for organizations to secure exhibit space at this event. The deadline for leases for the Space Draw is November 29.