DLM Names Scrutton Director
Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM) has promoted Chris Scrutton to technical director of the Southampton, UK, business.
He will immediately take an overall view of the engineering and operations functions of the company with a remit to improve efficiency, strategically identify and develop new products, along with ensuring that the DLM range continues to offer industry-leading functionality and quality.
Scrutton, formerly technical manager, is already managing director of DLM’s sister company, Vulcan Offshore, a specialist in fabrication, welding, and computer numerical control (CNC) machining for the marine and subsea industries. It principally works for cable lay companies that own or charter vessels for laying offshore wind farm or fibre optic cables for the telecommunications industry.
DLM, meanwhile, is renowned for the manufacture and supply of running line monitors (RLMs), saddleback monitors (used in pre-lay grapnel run and route clearance operations to measure line tension), load pins, and load cells that capture data as tension is applied to lifting and marine equipment.
Martin Halford, managing director at DLM, said: “Chris has earned it, through the dedication and commitment he has provided to myself and DLM over the past 10 years. He knows the company inside out, from starting as a calibration technician then progressing to engineering, to management, and now director, gaining engineering and project management qualifications along the way. With the expansion of the company, we needed to reorganise the structure to help us continue with our plans and prepare for the next stage of growth.”
Scrutton said: “I will bring additional technical knowledge and experience gained from working on engineering projects for cable and pipe laying vessels over the last 10 years. Coupled with my experience running a business and managing teams, I will have a specific focus on staff and product development. The goal is to allow us to grow DLM more efficiently, while maintaining existing levels of customer service and support.”
Practically, added Halford, the promotion will enable Scrutton to spend more time making advancements to both the manufacturing facility and processes, along with the company’s product range. Slightly removed from day-to-day functions, he will prioritise both growth at Vulcan and deliver the planned advancements at DLM.

Chris Scrutton (left), technical director; and Martin Halford, managing director, at Dynamic Load Monitoring (UK) Ltd. (DLM).
Combined DLM and Vulcan growth dovetails with favourable market conditions that sees an increase in offshore wind projects, specifically in Asia and the U.S. Additional demand, Scrutton explained, is being seen from vessel owners and operators procuring new equipment to complete renewable energy projects.
“This provides a variety of opportunities for DLM to increase our support for existing clients, but also to develop new relationships with emerging businesses in these growing regions,” he said.