EASE, OSHA Partner
Ergonomic Assist Systems and Equipment Council (EASE), an MHI industry group, has aligned with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to share information on occupational safety standards, and on addressing ergonomic safety and health concerns, as well as the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers.
MHI member companies can join any of MHI’s industry groups or the solutions community.
Industry groups share information and conduct research to stay at the forefront of their industry. Typical industry group activities include industry statistics collection, standards development, technical publications, public relations, promotion of safety, and member and user education.
The solutions community brings MHI members together with equipment and systems users to collaborate and address common challenges and opportunities in manufacturing and supply chain in a safe harbor environment.

MHI provides educational, business development, networking and solution sourcing opportunities.
OSHA Atlanta-East, Atlanta-West, and Savannah Area Offices and EASE of MHI formed an alliance, which is also supported by the Georgia Tech Research Institute’s Occupational Safety and Health Division (GTRI), to provide EASE members and others with information, guidance, and access to training resources that will help them protect workers, including hard-to-reach and youth workers, by reducing and preventing exposure to warehouse/distribution facility hazards addressing ergonomic, and ergonomics issues related to material handling.
- For more information about MHI industry groups, please visit mhi.org/industrygroups. To learn more about the alliance please visit mhi.org/ease.