Hamilton Caster Joins MHI MAG
Hamilton Caster has joined the Mobile Automation Group of MHI (MAG).
MHI member companies have the opportunity to join any of MHI’s industry groups or the solutions community.
Industry groups share information and conduct research to stay at the forefront of their industry. Typical group activities include industry statistics collection, standards development, technical publications, public relations, promotion of safety, and member and user education.
The solutions community brings MHI members together with equipment and systems users to collaborate and address common challenges and opportunities in manufacturing and supply chain in a safe harbor environment.
MAG members are the industry’s leading suppliers of automatic guided vehicle systems. They supply systems worldwide and in virtually every major manufacturing and distribution sector.

MHI provides educational, business development, networking and solution sourcing opportunities.
MAG programs include:
- The development of educational and training materials.
- A voice in the development and maintenance of national standards.
- The confidential exchange of market statistics and publication of industry data to the public.
- The communication of the benefits of MAG solutions via trade shows, educational forums, and other national and regional seminars.
For more information about MHI industry groups, please visit mhi.org/industrygroups. To learn more about MAG, please visit mhi.org/MAG.