JLT Releases How To Guide
JLT Mobile Computers has launched a series of ‘how to’ guides designed to help new and existing customers make the right strategic technology decisions to optimize their operations. The first guide in the series covers increasing productivity in the warehouse and is available for download.
Technology has changed warehousing and the pace of change is accelerating. What once was a relatively simple matter of storing and retrieving goods is now a high-stakes quest for speed, accuracy, reducing inventory cycles, and eliminating error and waste. Sustainably increasing capacity, efficiency, and throughput to meet ever-rising customer demands has become a science. And one important aspect of that science in any warehousing operation is the performance and efficiency of mobile computing systems and the networks they operate on.
“Warehouses are complex operating environments that present unique challenges to networks and computing systems,” said Per Holmberg, CEO of JLT Mobile Computers Group. “No two warehouses are the same. Goods change, loading patterns change, everything changes all the time. That puts an enormous burden on networks and computers on the floor. Having worked with warehouse customers for decades we’ve learned what to look out for, how to get the most out of systems, and how to do it just right. That’s why we’re now making the benefits of our experience available in a series of guides geared towards helping our customers optimize the efficiency of their operations.”
The first guide in the series – How to Increase Productivity in your Warehouse – discusses the four major challenges warehouse operators are battling with: Connectivity issues such as dead spots, access point placement, and the hand-off and roaming glitches inherent to warehousing structures. Computer breakdowns that seem inevitable in demanding environments (but don’t have to be). Technological obsolescence, incompatibilities, and reliability issues. And finally, the impact unsuitable technology has on workforce efficiency. All of this amounts to overt and hidden losses in productivity that can make or break profitability and competitiveness of a warehouse operation.

The first guide in the series covers increasing productivity in the warehouse and is available for download.
The guide shows how to address these issues one by one: How network surveys and suitable devices help arrive at a robust wireless infrastructure with seamless roaming even in complex settings. How equipment breakdowns can be minimized or eliminated by choosing equipment designed for the job. How to stay clear of inflexible systems and technologies that work against, and not with, your workforce. And how to get the most out of your technology investment by partnering with your workforce in systems selection, configuration, testing and operation.
The guide highlights five important key take-aways in the quest for success: Involve your workforce. Invest in your network. Get high quality rugged devices that get the job done. Keep your technology up-to-date. And never neglect to look at the total cost of ownership.
To get the free guide and start boosting your warehouse productivity today, go to https://jltmobile.com/guide-increase-productivity-in-warehouse.