Material Handling Education Foundation Announces Winners
During the 2018 MHI Annual Conference, the Material Handling Education Foundation, Inc. (MHEFI) presented two awards to leaders within the material handling community who are pushing material handling education forward.
The Exceptional Contribution Award was presented to The Raymond Corporation for their game-changing innovation – iWarehouse. The Exceptional Contribution Award is awarded to an individual, corporation or organization that has contributed to the industry in an extraordinary way or to an extraordinary degree. The award focuses on either shorter-term events, programs and contributions or extended influence and contributions that are focused more narrowly on specific industry activities. View the video presentation at
The Norman L. Cahners Award was originally awarded to David Reh at the 2017 Annual Conference, but due to health issues, he was unable to attend last year’s conference. Sadly, he passed away before the award could be given to him, so the award was presented posthumously to his family at this year’s conference. The Norman L. Cahners award is given to nominees who have continually made extraordinary contributions to the industry throughout their lifetime. View the video presentation at
In addition to the presented awards, MHEFI hosted a fundraiser at the 2018 MHI Annual Conference. In order “to attract students to the material handling, logistics, and supply chain industry by providing financial support,” (the newly revised mission statement of the organization) MHEFI also set a goal to raise $25,000 over the course of the three-day conference. Through generous pledged and online donations from Annual Conference attendees, the goal was met and exceeded.

MHI is an international trade association that has represented the industry since 1945. MHI members include material handling, logistics and supply chain equipment and systems manufacturers, integrators, consultants, publishers, and third party logistics providers.
Key facts about the fundraiser include:
- Sal Fateen with Seizmic, Inc. provided $5,000 in seed money to start the fundraiser. The fundraiser was sponsored by Seizmic, Inc.
- Ryan Bartlett with United Material Handling provided the difference of $4,900 to ensure the goal of $25,000 was exceeded.
Donations are accepted by the foundation throughout the year, and 90% of donations go towards student scholarships and support. Eighty percent of the students supported by MHEFI work in the material handling, logistics and supply chain industry. Visit to contribute to material handling education and help the Foundation attract students to the industry.