Matthews a Sample Vendor
Matthews Automation Solutions has been identified as a Sample Vendor in the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Execution Technologies.
- Matthews Automation Solutions was named in the Warehouse Execution Systems category.
The Gartner Hype Cycle is a graphic representation of an emerging technology’s maturity lifecycle and potential adoption trajectory. Hype Cycles insights help clients see the evolution of these technologies and evaluate application deployment opportunities beneficial to their business goals.
According to the Gartner Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Execution Technologies, “Warehouse execution systems (WESs) are a hybrid technology that blends capabilities from traditional warehouse management systems (WMSs) and warehouse control systems (WCSs).
“WESs enhance work management in automated warehouses and manage the interplay between automated and manual processes. WESs leverage near real-time insight into work in the automated warehouse, combined with advanced business process logic, to improve the flow, orchestration and prioritization of work.”
In the Hype Cycle for Supply Chain Execution Technologies, Gartner said: “Supply chain technology leaders, especially in high-volume, high-velocity environments like e-commerce, retail and direct-to-consumer, are under pressure to drive increased throughput at lower costs per order, which is pushing the need for high-velocity automated fulfillment. WESs are a potentially good fit for automated order-picking strategies, and companies will look to WESs to help support increased volume and velocity.”

Matthews Automation Solutions was named in the Warehouse Execution Systems category.
“Having Gartner highlight Matthews Automation Solutions for the second year in a row solidifies our leadership position in the supply chain execution technology market,” said Gary Cash, senior vice president and general manager of Matthews Automation Solutions.
“As an established warehouse execution system and warehouse controls system provider for over 25 years, we specialize in providing Information Anywhere and adaptive intelligence through our dynamic suite of warehouse software products.
“With NEXUS, our next-generation WES, we expect to continue setting the standard.”