MH10 Subcommittees Issue Call for Membership
MHI, through its MH10 Committee on Unit-Loads and Transport-Packages, is soliciting membership in two of its standards drafting subcommittees (SCs):
MH10/SC8, Coding & Labeling of Unit Loads, sets standards that define and facilitate data rules, including dimension, definitions, coding, labeling and performance criteria, that aid the movement of transport packages and loads through commercial transportation and distribution networks in the supply chain.
MH10/SC10, Label Materials, seeks to standardize test methods, reports, or criteria to judge the ability of a tag, label, or composite to maintain the ability to carry its information to be delivered.
Participation in the MH10 subcommittees is open to any interested party. A member does not need to be an employee of an MHI member company to join but does need to participate in meetings and projects to maintain status on the committee roster.
MH10 SC8 is also soliciting members for the Data Identification Management Committee (DIMC). The DIMC, whose charter derives from MH10.8.2, is responsible for reviewing new Data Identifier applications and issuing new Data Identifiers.

MHI is the nation’s largest material handling, logistics and supply chain association. MHI offers education, networking and solution sourcing for members, their customers and the industry as a whole through programming and events.
Anyone interested in participating in SC 8, SC 10, or the DIMC should contact Patrick Davison, Director of Standards at MHI at [email protected].