MODEX to Feature New Solution Center
MHI’s MODEX show will feature the first-ever Smart City Logistics and Connected Supply Chain Solution Center when the material handling expo takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on 9-12 April 2018. Also for the first time, MODEX will have exhibits in both the B and C halls.
The MODEX show floor in the B Hall will be divided into solution-specific centers: Equipment and components for manufacturing/assembly logistics solutions, fulfillment and delivery solutions, and information technology (IT) solutions. A new Solution Center will be introduced at MODEX 2018 for smart city logistics and connected supply chain solutions. This Solution Center will be located in the C Hall adjacent to the collocated Transportation & Logistics Americas show.
The C Hall expansion area will feature exhibits and town hall style education sessions. The smart city logistics and connected supply chain theme for this Solution Center was chosen based on the findings two leading supply chain trend reports—the 2017 MHI Annual Industry Report and the U.S. Roadmap for Material Handling & Logistics 2.0.
“Industry 4.0, the Industrial Internet of Things and other digital supply chain solutions are leading-edge technologies that are disrupting traditional supply chains and creating more-efficient, next-generation models that are on-demand and always-on,” said Tom Carbott, MHI Senior Vice President of Exhibitions.
“This is the center where buyers can see, touch and operate these next-generation supply chain solutions including sensors, software, cloud computing, driverless vehicles, robotics and automation, predictive analytics, artificial intelligence, omni-channel fulfillment solutions, augmented reality wearable and mobile technologies.”

MODEX 2018 takes place at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta on 9-12 April.
While digital supply chains are still emerging, 80% of survey respondents in the recent 2017 MHI Annual Industry Report said that they will be the predominate model in five years, and 16% said they already are. Additionally 50% are aware of the impact Smart City Logistics will have on future supply chains.
Over 850 exhibitors will showcase their solutions on MODEX’s two show floors totaling over 300,000 square feet of manufacturing and supply chain solutions. MODEX exhibits will represent solutions that span the supply chain, from traditional, manual equipment to computerized, automated systems and information technologies. Manufacturers, consultants, third party logistics providers, publishers and systems integrators will be there to demonstrate their equipment, systems, software and services.
MODEX will also feature a comprehensive educational conference including keynotes and show floor educational seminars led by industry experts and leading authorities.
MODEX is the largest international supply chain expo held in North America and South America. The event will be held April 9-12, 2018 at Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center.