New MHI YPN Award
The Young Professional Innovator Award will be presented to a MHI member company employee under the age of 40 that has displayed the following criteria:
- Responsible for a single or collection of innovations
- Exceptional contribution to their company or the industry as a whole
Only MHI member company employees are eligible to be nominated. Membership will be verified and nominations for non-MHI member company employees will be disqualified. To be eligible, each nomination package must be submitted online prior to the deadline and accompanied by a clearly completed out questionnaire, three (3) letters of recommendation and a headshot.

MHI provides educational, business development, networking and solution sourcing opportunities.
Winners will be selected by a selection committee comprised of YPN Advisory Board members and MHI leadership team members. This new award will be presented during MHI Industry Night at MODEX 2022.

MHI Young Professionals Network’s mission is to help engage and develop the future leaders of the material handling industry. Its goal is to increase industry retention, education and networking as well as to offer career support.
The nomination questionnaire can be downloaded at Nomination packets should be submitted online by 5:00 pm ET on February 15, 2022 at
The Outstanding Young Professional and the Mentor Award will be presented at the 2022 MHI Annual Conference. For more information on applying to these awards, visit