Offshore Industry Welcomes Straightpoint’s DNV Approval
Straightpoint (SP) has received a DNV GL Type Approval Certificate, acknowledging that its equipment meets the rigorous standards of the global quality assurance and risk management company for their use offshore.
The certificate was issued in mid-March and confirms that SP’s Loadlink plus, Radiolink plus, and Wirelink plus products comply with DNVGL-ST-0378, the standard for offshore and platform lifting appliances. Offshore purchasing decision makers can have even greater confidence therefore in the load cells’ performance on all vessels classed by DNV.
David Ayling, director at SP, said: “We already had 100% faith in our products’ ability to perform even in the world’s most demanding industries; that’s been proven time and again. However, what DNV [approval] does is verify to end users that our entire operation, from the smelting of the aluminium we use to application of product on site, meets the requirements of an organisation that serves to safeguard life, property, and the environment.”
SP has been striving towards DNV approval for 18 months, following the results of a questionnaire put to key partners that revealed overwhelming support for proceeding with the application. Additionally, other below-the-hook equipment suppliers—notably, spreader beam manufacturer Modulift—had also endorsed its value in competitive tenders and other situations.
The approval complements SP’s comprehensive range of ATEX and IECEx products, which meet Zone 0, 1 and 2 hazardous area classification. Ayling noted that in many cases both DNV and explosion proof status will both be applicable, especially in the oil and gas market, which is a major consumer of SP’s force measurement technologies. Through Kyle Milne, technical sales engineer, and Aaron Orsak, regional business development manager, based in offshore hotbeds in Aberdeen and Houston respectively, SP is well placed to leverage such accreditations.

SP’s Radiolink plus (pictured), Loadlink plus, and Wirelink plus products comply with DNVGL-ST-0378.
Ayling said: “Kyle and Aaron are reporting back positively from their geographies and we’re now even better equipped to take the opportunities increased offshore activity might create. As BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and others proceed with projects, it’s reassuring to have a product range that, first, meets their operational criteria and, second, pre-qualifies against any likely tender specifications.”
SP will raise the profile of its DNV approval at a number of trade events throughout the year, starting with the Norwegian Society of Lifting Technology (NSLT) and Offshore Mechanical Handling Equipment Committee (OMHEC)’s 23rd International Offshore Cranes & Lifting Conference, which takes place in Milne’s hometown next month (April). There, new display banners and literature will be part of a product centric exhibit showcasing a myriad of relevant technologies, including the Loadlink plus, Radiolink plus and Wirelink plus.