Patent No. Six for Mezzanine Safeti-Gates
Mezzanine Safeti-Gates Inc., a manufacturer of industrial safety gates that provide fall protection for employees in warehouses, distribution centers and manufacturing facilities, has received U.S. Patent number 10,519,014 for its crossing-guard gate operation of the Dock-Lift safety gate. This brings the number of patents awarded to the company to six.
Elevated work platform lifts, aerial scissors platforms and pit-mounted lifts in dock operations can pose risks to employees working on the lifts if safety is not provided.
As employees use lifts to move material to and from the trucks and loading dock, the two gates on the Dock-Lift safety gates automatically close and lock into place as the lift elevates, forming a barrier for employees on the lift as they make the transition from the tractor trailer to the loading dock or ground level. The gates stay locked until the lift is lowered and back on the ground. The gates automatically open when the platform is on ground level so material can be transferred on and off the lift.
The newly patented crossing-guard style is designed for safety on lifts in which there is limited space. The gates pivot up and off to the side instead of swinging away, which allows the gates to fit lifts in areas of close proximity to the building or loading dock.
“We are very fortunate to have talented engineers that have the ability to create a new methods to provide safety for our customers,” said Aaron Conway, president of Mezzanine Safeti-Gates Inc. “This is the second patent that they’ve been awarded on the Dock-Lift safety gate model, and this design will be another way we can provide fall protection on this type of elevating work platform.”

The crossing-guard gate operation of the Dock-Lift safety gate. Headquartered in Essex, Mass, Mezzanine Safeti-Gates designed the first dual-gate safety system, the Roly safety gate. Any gate in the company’s product suite can be customized to meet specific requirements.
In addition to the new patent, 10,519,014 issued December 31, 2019, patents issued to Mezzanine Safeti-Gates include:
- 1,201,617 for Roly safety gate operations
- 4,422,264 for Roly safety gate operations
- 5,546,703 for Pivot safety gate operations
- 5,592,779 for Tri-side safety gate operations
- 9,630,823 for swing style Dock-Lift safety gate operations
Used in thousands of locations throughout the world, the dual, counterbalanced gate systems offered by Mezzanine Safeti-Gates creates controlled access areas that meet the ANSI standard requirements for pallet drop areas, as well as OSHA and IBC fall protection requirements.
All mezzanine safety gate designs are available in single and double wide pallet widths, and customized to accommodate specific pallet widths, depths and heights. Power operation and technology is available for all models, including safety gates for the loading dock and lifts, and can be constructed in powder coated mild steel or electro-polished stainless steel. To learn more about the full line of safety gates, visit