Port of LA Terminal Project
The Port of Los Angeles has released an Initial Study / Notice of Preparation (IS / NOP) — the first step in the environmental review process — for the proposed Terminal Island Maritime Support Facility Project.
The proposed project, located at 740 Terminal Way, would develop an 80-acre site with a chassis support and container storage facility with related site improvements.
The project site is anticipated to be utilized as a full-service chassis depot that would provide storage, maintenance, and repair of chassis and / or empty containers.
- A term permit would be issued for the operations of the proposed chassis support and container storage facility for up to 25 years.
The IS / NOP is available for review on the Port of Los Angeles website at portoflosangeles.org/ceqa. The IS / NOP is intended to solicit feedback, which helps to identify any potential environmental impacts and suggest possible alternatives for the project that can be incorporated into the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR).

Photo courtesy of the Port of Los Angeles.
The Port will hold a virtual public meeting to receive comments on the IS / NOP at 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 9. No registration is required. Simultaneous Spanish translation services will be provided. The meeting will take place via Zoom.
Written comments on the IS / NOP may be submitted via email to [email protected] or to the following address during the public comment period through Monday, Jan. 22, 2024:
Director of Environmental Management
Los Angeles Harbor Department
425 South Palos Verdes Street
San Pedro, CA 90731
Comment letters sent via email should include the Project title “Terminal Island Maritime Support Facility Project” in the email subject line.
- For more information, visit portoflosangeles.org/ceqa, or call the Port of Los Angeles Environmental Management Division at (310) 732-7673.