DCSC New Software Features
DCSC Inc., an

DCSC Inc., an inventory control, shipping, distribution, supply chain management and manufacturing specialist, has unveiled new software features.
inventory control, shipping, distribution, supply chain management and manufacturing
specialist, has unveiled new software features.
findadistributor.com has been given access to some of the highlights:
New Signature Automation
- Functionality has been added to support signature. Automation through the Warehouse Package Manager task. This includes signature automation labels at the time of picking to be used for placement of product and for scanning in the DCPackage Manager when ready to process the signature.
New Wireless Shipment Generation by Sales Order
- Functionality has been added to the RF Shipment option to be able to create shipments easily for specific items on a pick list.
UPS LTL—Truck Load Manager Automation
- It is now even more efficient to load and your UPS shipments within our integrated Truck Load Manager.
UPS LTL—Registration—Country Code on Warehouse Form
- The Registration Wizard now ensures that a country code is selected even when the warehouse default address is not selected.
Customer Duty Payor Account Improvements
- Changes have been made to the Maintain Customer Shipper Account screen found under the DCWarehouse Maintenance section to be able to determine how to handle duties and taxes and assign the payor account at the customer level.
Warehouse Package Manager—New Pack List Button
- This allows the printing of the correct pack list button based upon the type of data highlighted.
Set Up Carriers—Ship Method Duty Payor
- Functionality has changed in regards to the duty payor setup within Set Up Carriers for ease of use!
FedEx Commodity by Item Description
- Changes have been made to FedEx shipments to support sending the correct country of origin on international shipments. Functionality that had been made available to work with UPS in prior versions was updated to ensure also FedEx shipments supported this.
FedEx—ETD Country List
- Functionality has been added when shipping to confirm if a specific country accepts ETD (Electronic Trade Documents) when processing the shipment.
FedEx Labels—PNG—Deferred Printing
- Support for deferred printing has been added!
DCWarehouse Sales Order Entry Credit Card Hold Improvements
- Functionality has been added to support PayPal transactions better that fail address validation service.
DCWarehouse Sales Order Auto-Run Utility Enhancement
- By popular demand you now have more options and settings…and you can run this at specific intervals!
Pick List—Show Back-order Information
- For those using paper picks we now show the Back-Order information on your pick lists.
Back-Order Calculations
- By extreme popular demand we now automatically re-calculate the Sage back-order quantities for items without having to go into each and every order and update the lines. This was done to improve the back-order process that Sage 500 currently has which in turn will make for better inventory control.
And more!