Whiting AccessPoint Prevents Unauthorized Operation
AccessPoint from Whiting uses smart card technology to physically prevent fixed and mobile machinery and security storage from being operated by unauthorized people.
“Forklifts are among the prime targets for this unique technology, because it directly addresses major causes of accidents involving lift trucks,” said Whiting senior vice president, Edward Yakos.
Risk factors include:
- Insufficient or inadequate forklift training
- Failure to follow safe forklift procedures
- Lack of safety rule enforcement
AccessPoint not only controls who can operate high-value, high risk equipment—ensuring only safety qualified people can do so—but also records when they accessed it and for how long.
Yakos added: “System users can remain in compliance with OSHA and other regulatory standards because AccessPoint gives them the ability to continuously view how their operators are using their equipment. System users can quickly address and correct patterns of misuse. AccessPoint creates a shared culture of responsibility that ensures the correct use of high risk, high value plant equipment.”
The technology enables users to employ one system for their entire operation. In addition to forklifts and other mobile and fixed equipment, it can also be applied to governing access to fuel and energy, facilitating safe handling and storage that is important to a comprehensive hazard reduction plan.
Each AccessPoint system is customized to each specific user. The system is administered through a secure, easy-to-use web-based application.
Users can view run hours of all AccessPoint devices within range from any Bluetooth device, or they can log into their own personal dashboard, or Viewport, from their PC to view real-time equipment usage by operator along with vital statistics of all AccessPoint devices.