Terex Technical Support
Terex Technical Support team members work closely with customers on a myriad of troubleshooting, repairs, and rebuild questions.
“Whether it is on the phone, in person at nationwide Service Centers, customer locations, at our annual Service School, or through online resources, we are focused on improving safe work practices and productivity of our customers,” said Kenny Vlasman, Customer Service Manager.
In 2023, 13 new Tech Tips topics, six of which featured videos, were released to customers and users of Terex Aerial Devices, Digger Derricks, and Z-45 Substation Utility Boom Lifts.
“If one person asks a question, we know there are many others facing the same challenges. That’s why the Technical Service and Support Department takes the time to produce Tech Tips throughout the year,” said Vlasman.
The company has been creating these Tech Tips since 2012. Currently the archive contains more than 200 topics.
Some information is applicable to anyone servicing or troubleshooting utility equipment, regardless of the make or model. Tech Tip #195 is an example.
“Understanding the difference between Qualification, Periodic, and Annual di-electric testing can help companies remain compliant with ANSI A92.2 standards,” explained Vlasman Another example applies to any equipment with worm gear rotation and provides tips and warnings for lubricating this type of gear box.
Adam Krebs, Regional Product Support Manager gives brief video demonstration in Tech Tip #187, and the video corresponds to written documentation on the topic.
Other Tech Tips provide information specific to Terex Utilities equipment.
Tech Tip #172 Charging the Electric Power Take Off applies to all Terex equipment equipped with a Terex SmartPTO ePTO.
Tech Tip #191 Troubleshooting Throttle Issues pertains to all Terex installed models using IFM, Combo and Canview 4 Controllers and International Chassis using Diamond Logic. The step-by-step guide starts with a list of 9 other Tech Tips as resources that relate to issue, putting all the info someone needs in one convenient document.

Terex Technical Support team members work closely with customers on a myriad of troubleshooting, repairs, and rebuild questions.
Tech Tip #207 is a video explaining how to properly load and tie-down for transport the Z-45 Substation Utility Boom.
These and other technical support documents are available online at the Technical Support tab at www.terex.com/utilities, or users can sign up to receive email notifications at https://www.terex.com/utilities/en/links/preferences.
- All videos will be archived on Terex’s new Tech Tips YouTube channel @techtips2859.
- Users can also request the creation of a Tech Tip or video by emailing [email protected].