Terex Utilities On-Line Training Latest
The Edge online training curriculum from Terex Utilities offers a convenient, self-paced training tool for operators seeking to document their understanding of Aerial Device and Digger Derrick operation. The training curriculum is used by technical schools, utility contractors, electric utilities, and individual operators.
Each program, which takes six to eight hours to complete, includes an entrance exam to provide a benchmark for the incoming knowledge level of the operator. A quiz follows each learning section, and concludes with a final exam. Successful completion requires 85% or better, after which a certificate of completion and wallet card are issued.
Electrical Production Services, a power and technology systems contractor serving the upper Midwest, began using Terex Edge training for Aerial Devices as a pre-requisite for hands-on training in the field, said Eric Thoreson, Project Manager and Estimator. “It provides us with a flexible method to deliver consistent, documentable training to employees on short notice and at varied hours,” he said.
The Aerial Device module covers topics such as personal protective equipment, explanation of insulated versus non-insulated devices, inspections, planning the job, understanding platform capacity, controls, lifting loads, and basic rigging.
The Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative, serves 85,000 customers in south central Texas. Its fleet of nearly 200 vehicles includes 17 Terex aerial devices and digger derricks. “We began using the Terex online training when we needed to keep up with our Department of Labor Apprenticeship program,” said Hannah Hoffman, Assistant to the Executive Manager of Operations.
The electric co-op enrolled nearly two-thirds of its employees in the Terex Edge Aerial Device and Digger Derrick training. “With time constraints being one of our biggest challenges, it was the best option to fill our requirements for the DOL Apprenticeship. Employees were able to complete the training during off time, while submitting weekly reports and completing daily tasks needed,” she said.
“With the November 2018 OSHA requirement for digger derrick and crane operators to be certified, there is renewed interest in our Digger Derrick Edge Training module, which can be used as a preparation for NCCCO Digger Derrick Operator Certification,” said Jason Julius, Terex Utilities, Technical Support and Training. “Operators of digger derricks are exempt from this requirement only when the digger derrick is used in electric power generation, transmission, and distribution, and telecommunications applications. If a digger derrick is used for other lifting work applications, then digger derrick operators must be certified,” he explained.

Each program takes six to eight hours to complete.
In addition to pre-shift inspections and setup, the Digger Derrick module covers setting outriggers, identifying obstructions, load charts, basic rigging, hand signals, electrical hazards and emergency operations.
The Edge training materials are not manufacturer specific, so information is applicable to all operators of Aerial Devices and Digger Derricks. The cost is $150 per person per module. In addition, Terex Utilities can provide instructor-led training at customer facilities for larger class sizes. More information is available at: https://www.terex.com/utilities/en/support/training/operator-safety-training